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Marriage Ceremony

The information below is an example of the running order of a wedding ceremony and should be used as a guide only. 

Entrance of Bride/Groom/Couple

Welcome and introduction by Registrar

Formal giving away*

Legal statements and call for objections 

Place for reading*

Legal Declaratory Vows

Legal Contracting Vows

Place for reading*

Exchange of rings*

Personal Vows*


Place for reading*

Signing of the schedule 

Closing of the ceremony by Registrar 

Announcement of the newly married couple 

Exit of couple 


*Optional additions that you can choose to include if you wish. Details about personal additions should be included when you complete the Ceremony Options Form. For more information about personalising your ceremony see our Let’s Get Personal page.


One reading can be included in a Register Office ceremony. The information above shows possible placements for a reading. The most appropriate place for the reading may depend on what the reading is about, this can be discussed with your Registrar during your pre-ceremony interview.

About Your Venue > On the Day > Ceremony Options Form

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