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Ceremony Options Form

Your ceremony can be personalised with the addition of readings, music, a formal giving away, and personal vows if you wish. You can choose to include some or all of these additions in your ceremony. 

Any additions you wish to include must be approved by the Ceremonies Hub prior to your ceremony. Details of any personal additions should be included on the Ceremony Options Form. Where possible forms should be submitted to the Ceremonies Hub for approval at least one month before your ceremony date. Please be aware that forms received within 7 days of the ceremony date may not be processed in time. Your Registrars will do their best to accommodate your wishes, however the inclusion of some or all of your additions may not be possible. 

We have a legal duty to ensure our civil marriage and civil partnership ceremonies do not include religious or offensive content, this is why we have to check all personal additions ahead of your ceremony. 

The Ceremony Options Form will take around 10 minutes to complete. You will not have the option to save and return so please ensure you have all your ceremony information, including any personal additions before starting. When you are ready to complete the form please click on the link below which will open the Ceremony Options Form.

I'm ready to complete the Ceremony Options Form, or if you'd like some more information about personalising your ceremony take a look at the page Let's Get Personal

If you require this information in a different format please contact the Ceremonies Hub on 0345 60 80 198.

Ceremonies at Licensed Venues > About your Venue > On the Day > The Ceremony

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