b'ivil PartnershipsA civil partnership is a legally recognised partnershipForming a civil partnershipas an alternative to marriage.Unlike a marriage there are no prescribed words thatyou must say to form a civil partnership. A civil partnership The Government has announced plans toi is formed by each of you reading a legal declarationintroduce civil partnerships for opposite-sex followed by the signing of the civil partnership schedule couples. Civil Partnerships for opposite-sex couplesin the presence of a Registrar and two witnesses. Yourwill be available from 2020. civil partnership can take place at any Register Office or licensed venue.For further information and updates see our You are welcome to celebrate in any way you choose. This website www.ceremoniesineastsussex.co.uk/can be anything from a simple signing of the schedule, to a civil-partnerships full ceremony with friends and family. Our aim is to provide you with a ceremony that suits you, making it an occasion you will remember and treasure.Once you have decided where and how you would like to celebrate your civil partnership, contact us to book your ceremony.Ceremony fees are payable in full at the time of booking,and include a 100 non-refundable booking fee. For ceremony fees visitwww.ceremoniesineastsussex.co.uk/feesThere are certain legal preliminaries that imust be completed before you are able toform a civil partnership. For more information see Giving Notice on page 12 or online atwww.ceremoniesineastsussex.co.uk/giving-notice PhotoMadly8Ceremonies in East Sussex'